Open 8:30 AM - 3:15 PM Monday to Friday
Website: ICSS Learning Commons
The Learning Commons circulates textbooks, fiction and non-fiction literature, and reference materials. The space features two wide screen TVs, space to collaborate, a white board (overhead projector), 8 computers, 2 laptops and printer with access to a computer lab and gaming computers. Students have access to the space for study hall or homework clubs between 8AM and 8.30AM, or after school 3.15PM to 4PM while Mrs. Aitken is here.
We want the Learning Commons to be a hub for student activity promoting literacy, collaboration, and fun. You’ll find a variety of games including our mini-sports, board, and card games. We provide opportunities for crafting, using the imagination, challenging the status quo and loads of different ways for the students to have fun like our weekly Fri-Yay riddles or holiday specific games.
All novels, non-fiction books and reference materials have a two-week loan period which can be flexed should it be needed for book talks or class projects. Please talk to the Learning Commons Facilitator. Students will receive weekly reminders for outstanding books and parents/guardians will receive updates before Christmas break and end of school year.
Fines for damaged or lost books will be issued via School Cash online.
You can keep up with what’s happening in our Learning Commons on our Padlet : The Eagles Nest
Visit our loan system at Follett Destiny.
Special Guest Visits
Bryce Steeves – Careers (Train Conductor)
Vanessa Kurtzweg – Careers and Volunteering (Samaritan’s Purse, Farming, and Calgary Stampede)
Don Realini – Careers (Police Officer, Youth Engagement)
Karina Kurtzweg – Careers, Camp Employment (Wilderness Guide and working at Bible Camps)
Kim Morris – Living Books
For information on our Special Guests, Living Books Fair or Scholastic please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs. Aitken.